Monday 31 October 2011


a public declaration of intent, policy, aims, etc, as issued by a political party, government, or movement.
In the artistic context, it can be a medium of communication.
Four examples of movements that used manifestos include; Surrealism, DaDa, Fluxus and Futurist.

Surrealism Manifesto
Dada Manifesto

Monday 24 October 2011

Haven't used this in a while... i thought i ought to write something.
Staying on the subject of textiles of my last post. I've been thinking about what Jackie said about looking into other materials, I've been thinking about paper.
I had a pretty good idea. I know its kind of cliche to say to use books. But i like the idea of using each page out of the book to create a garment using my favourite techniques that we've experimented & then when its done, store it in the cover of the book. So when you open it, you see pages "Oooo" I dunno, i'll have to think and work with this idea more...

Tuesday 11 October 2011


I'm really surprised by the fact that i'm starting to enjoy textiles D:
Got a brief today and its to do with Architecture. My specialty ..yes!!
With this i'm really drawn to Frank Lloyd Wright with the Prairie School movement in Architecture; with all the horizontal lines, windows grouped in horizontal bands and discipline of ornaments which could convert to textiles.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Prairie School

Monday 10 October 2011

Really Enjoying Graphics So Far!

FIRST LESSON 'The Invisible Colour' - Orange for me. We were told to think laterally rather than literally. See what we could come up with to show that colour without actually using colour.
I came up various ideas for this including orange representing heat, light and fire. This led me to think of days before electricity and when people uses candles as a light & heat source. I did a finger painting of a candle.
At home i researched finger painting came across this
shows finger painting ...modern day version!

SECOND LESSON 'Dreams' - i got a passage about a person and their group of people being attacked by magical people as they tried to reach the top of a wall. This was very interesting for me. I wrote down the key parts of the passage and did little sketches for each, with different view points.
I ended up with a drawing of a man almost at the top of a wall being attacked from behind by magical people. with the view of as if you were looking down at him.
This is such a good idea that i'm looking to develop it further in future lessons.
Currently researching into sci-fi comic art.

THIRD LESSON 'Initial Logos' - AK, APK; at first i didn't think there was many logos i could come up using these letters. I was so wrong. I came up with two A3 pages full of ideas. I tried to come up with logos that had some relevance to what I'm interested in and found A looked like a pencil end upside down. Perfect!
I could also develop this idea further if i did some research into what existing logos look like and how they link to their companies etc.

FOURTH LESSON 'Running' is the activity i got. I had to show running in a picture. Seen as i like simple but eye catching images and find them most effective, i chose to use this in my work. I struggled with this at first but eventually thought about Races and "Ready, Set, Go!" i used this in my picture. I will upload a picture of this at a later date & talk about it more!

Textile Research

Jackie asked us to do some textile artist/fashion designer research.
I looked at various different types of textile art including plant, animal, or synthetic fibers. I also looked at different techniques including needle felting. The work i found did not interest me (they were all dolls). I then typed textile artists into google & Alice Kettle came up. A comtemporary textile artist.
I find her work interesting as she uses textile to almost draw pictures & as a trained painter, she sometimes incorporates this into her work also.
They look amazing!

Good News!

Been practicing website designing for my dad's business for a while now. He's said that if i prove myself to him, i may be able to take over whole designing side of the business so he can focus on other things! Perfect experience for me! :)

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Thinking back...

I know i probably shouldn't be but i'm thinking back to my A levels & remembered my teacher mentioning Frank Miller, an american comic book artist.
Though his style is a dark, film noir-style it is still eye-catching & has an impact on the viewer. Perfect for Graphics. I could try experimenting with this style in some graphics work.

Monday 3 October 2011


I'm interested in Graphic Design and attempting to research this area of Art & Design ..but failing! Thats college restrictions for you. I'll do it at home...