Monday 10 October 2011

Really Enjoying Graphics So Far!

FIRST LESSON 'The Invisible Colour' - Orange for me. We were told to think laterally rather than literally. See what we could come up with to show that colour without actually using colour.
I came up various ideas for this including orange representing heat, light and fire. This led me to think of days before electricity and when people uses candles as a light & heat source. I did a finger painting of a candle.
At home i researched finger painting came across this
shows finger painting ...modern day version!

SECOND LESSON 'Dreams' - i got a passage about a person and their group of people being attacked by magical people as they tried to reach the top of a wall. This was very interesting for me. I wrote down the key parts of the passage and did little sketches for each, with different view points.
I ended up with a drawing of a man almost at the top of a wall being attacked from behind by magical people. with the view of as if you were looking down at him.
This is such a good idea that i'm looking to develop it further in future lessons.
Currently researching into sci-fi comic art.

THIRD LESSON 'Initial Logos' - AK, APK; at first i didn't think there was many logos i could come up using these letters. I was so wrong. I came up with two A3 pages full of ideas. I tried to come up with logos that had some relevance to what I'm interested in and found A looked like a pencil end upside down. Perfect!
I could also develop this idea further if i did some research into what existing logos look like and how they link to their companies etc.

FOURTH LESSON 'Running' is the activity i got. I had to show running in a picture. Seen as i like simple but eye catching images and find them most effective, i chose to use this in my work. I struggled with this at first but eventually thought about Races and "Ready, Set, Go!" i used this in my picture. I will upload a picture of this at a later date & talk about it more!

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