Sunday 25 March 2012

I know I'm working on My FMP stuff now but...

 I like this.
Its like covering up something that should be a bit vile with something pretty making the object seem pretty too!
Ahhh tumblr is good. It has some good stuff on it. I should go on more often :)

Saturday 24 March 2012

Though I'm continuing my work into FMP, I need to do a final piece

These are two of the images that I planned to create for my Mock FMP. Though they are a little rough, it gives the general idea of what I want them to look like. If I had more time, I'd make them look more professional.

These were created using my storyboard of key events in the short film which I created myself.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Breaking Boundaries

I am thinking about breaking the boundaries of what a poster from a certain genre should look like, but not too much so its still subtle enough to be successful to the public.
This poster is for is a science fiction action film.
Qualities of a science fiction poster tend to display the science-based depictions of phenomena, such as aliens, powered people and time travel common in the films.
Action posters show
This poster is breaking boundaries because its obvious its about someone with 'super powers' but not a superhero. This guy is obviously the main focus of the film which is strange as its normally the heroic amazing manly superhero who is the focus of this type of film. It says "NOT ALL HEROES ARE SUPER" and displays an image of normal looking guy swearing.
This poster is kind of confusing because the cloud is a mirror image of what the guy's hand is doing but this may just go towards the layout of the poster.
The film itself received a mixed reception. It was filmed from the guy's point of view from his own camcorder. This was a shock to viewers as they didn't expect it. For me, it was rather strange and restrcited what I could see because I was watching from one person's point of view. It was strange. Though i suppose this is another way it was breaking boundaries. Maybe a poster showing this should've been designed so it wasn't so much of a shock.

Film Genres: Action Films

Genres Overlap!
Action is a genre where one or more heroes are thrust into a series of challenges that require physical feats, extended fights and frenetic chases.

Rush Hour is a comedy action film about two different detectives from different cultures brought together to solve a criminal case.
The poster reflects this.
Its interesting because of what its trying to say and how it does it through images and colour.
Striking colours.
The divide of background colour displays a difference between the two guys posing on the front
The police tape which has the film title on it crosses both sides of the divide, bringing them together. The police tape shows that its about crime.
The crossing of the line, bringing two cultures together as Chris Tucker is crossing the divide.

Quantum Solace is an action, adventure, crime film.
A serious looking man with a gun.
Walking across what looks like a wasteland with a expensive suit on.
The colours are very desaturated in this poster which depicts the seriousness of the film. Even though the colours are desaturated, the image is still eye-catching.
Kind of an action shot as it looks like he's on a journey. A journey to kill someone.
Journey = Adventure

Wanted is an action crime thriller.
Two people.
A woman with a serious (killer) face with her gun facing upwards like she's waiting (suggesting a thriller film)
A man also with a serious face who is in the middle of shooting (an action shot).
The image of the woman is bigger as she must play a bigger role in the film.
This tells you a lot about the woman. She seems to be an independent woman. Emotion (or lack of) plays a big part in this with it showing her tattoo of TEARS upside down up her arm.
The background; looks like a scene of 'watching the sunset' and the warm colours used opposes the thought of lack of emotion in the film. It suggests obstruction. BAD!

Chronicle is an action drama sci-fi film.
Three people.
Very small silhouetted figures.
Unknown. Mystery.
"Boys will be boys" suggests that they are three 'boys' up to mischief/trouble.
A car stuck upside down on a pole on top of a building suggests the mischeif/trouble further.
This would be classed as an action shot as they are in the middle of doing something.

Inception is an action adventure sci-fi film.
Three figures.
One falling down in the background.
One jumping in the middle ground.
One running away from the viewer in the foreground.
This suggests an action element to it as they are all action shots.
They all look similar.
They are all moving in a different direction.
The setting looks like one of those confusing ones which have no set dimensions and keep changing.

X2 is another action adventure sci-fi film.
A superhero film.
Shows profiles of 8 strange looking people with serious expressions on their faces arranged in the shape of an X. There are different versions of this poster showing different people.
Their faces are shadowed.
No action shot. Nothing to suggest action apart from the sci-fi element to the poster which would suggest that action may be included in the film.
A better poster could have been designed to attract more than just the geeks.
Maybe an action shot?

Film Genres: Sci-fi

Science fiction is a genre that uses speculative, science-based depictions of phenomena that are not necessarily accepted by mainstream science. Aliens, alien worlds, extrasensory perception and time travel often along with futuristic elements like robots, spaceships etc.
From the research I have done, this genre has less of the people posing at the front. This must not attract the sci-fi loving people as they arent attracted by normal people but strangeness and excitement.

Film Genres: Horror/Thriller

Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film and television programming that uses suspense, tension and excitement. Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer's moods.

Horror is a movie genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's most primal fears. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer through the means of macabre and the supernatural. Overlaps fantasy and supernatural genre. Horrors frequently overlap with the thriller genre.