Wednesday 14 March 2012

Breaking Boundaries

I am thinking about breaking the boundaries of what a poster from a certain genre should look like, but not too much so its still subtle enough to be successful to the public.
This poster is for is a science fiction action film.
Qualities of a science fiction poster tend to display the science-based depictions of phenomena, such as aliens, powered people and time travel common in the films.
Action posters show
This poster is breaking boundaries because its obvious its about someone with 'super powers' but not a superhero. This guy is obviously the main focus of the film which is strange as its normally the heroic amazing manly superhero who is the focus of this type of film. It says "NOT ALL HEROES ARE SUPER" and displays an image of normal looking guy swearing.
This poster is kind of confusing because the cloud is a mirror image of what the guy's hand is doing but this may just go towards the layout of the poster.
The film itself received a mixed reception. It was filmed from the guy's point of view from his own camcorder. This was a shock to viewers as they didn't expect it. For me, it was rather strange and restrcited what I could see because I was watching from one person's point of view. It was strange. Though i suppose this is another way it was breaking boundaries. Maybe a poster showing this should've been designed so it wasn't so much of a shock.

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