Tuesday 15 November 2011

Grayson Perry

Grayson Perry was born in Chelmsford, Essex on 24 March 1960. When he was 6 - 7, his father left the family because of his mother's adultery. Perry describes his father's departure as the event that had the largest impact on him in his life. He lived with his mother, his stepfather, a younger sister and two stepbrothers.
To escape from a difficult family situation and his stepfather's violence, he retreated to his bedroom or his father’s shed where he became absorbed in a fantasy life, sometimes involving a teddy bear that had become a “surrogate father figure”.
He did an art foundation course at Braintree College of Further Education from 1978 to 1979. He studied for a BA in Fine Art at Portsmouth Polytechnic, graduating in 1982. He had an interest in film and exhibited his first piece of pottery at the "New Contemporaries" show at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in 1980
In his work Perry reflects upon his upbringing as a boy, his stepfather's anger and the absence of proper guidance about male conduct.
Much of Perry's work contains sexually explicit content. He also has a reputation for depicting child abuse and yet there are no works depicting sexual child abuse although We've Found the Body of your Child, 2000 hints at emotional child abuse and child neglect.
Although I got this from Wikipedia which is unreliable, I made sure to check the sources!

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