Monday 30 January 2012

For textiles

Sleeves 4As i wanna do an inventive sleeve as the main part of my garment for my Alternative Miss World project I've been looking at different types of sleeves to give me more ideas. The link is below for the whole four pictures of different sleeves but my favourite picture showing the different types of sleeve is the fourth one. It is to the left :)

Mark Quinn

This sculpture by Mark Quinn is often described as a controversial sculpture of Alison Lapper Pregnant and Nude. Alison Lapper has a congenital disorder which means she was born without arms and with truncated legs.
People would give her weird looks just as she is so for someone like this to have a statue made of them and put on a plinth in Trafalgar Square along with the statues of war heroes etc was very controversial but right :)

Controversy when it comes to Religion

I'm using controversial subjects in my art work. Questioning religion.
Gilbert and George used this in some of their work. This one for example looks at the part of Christianity called Church of England or Anglican. It shows Jesus wearing the British Flag. I imagine this creating a lot of controversy in the Anglican Religion.

I want music!!

Today at college i have come up with a way to combine all my work in one big final piece! I just need to work on the bits that will make this one big final piece. Thought it would be amazing to have music in the background to add to this piece of artwork.
The message in which i am trying to convey is used by quite a few music artists in the recent times.
Jessie J and Lady Gaga are the main ones that I can think of. I want don't specifically want something that people have heard of, so it distracts people from my work. I want something to compliment it. Something slightly upbeat so its not depressing. I have come across this...a mash up (a combination yeah yeah) of Gaga songs by the amazing Robin Skouteris. An obvious choice but i do love this song so yeah :')

Sunday 29 January 2012

Alberto Seveso

Ari Weinkle

Craig Ward

Love this!! Will have to experiment with something like this with my planned typography work :)

Less obvious...

The less obvious to look at would be theatrical costumes. Looking at darkness, you think of evil, so it makes sense to look at the evil characters costumes. Seen as we're doing about the elements (mine which is Aether) its obvious to look at combining Aether with other elements such as Water so I instantly thought of Ursula from the Little Mermaid! Her costume is very dark yet still has an element of water with the blues and the greens and having scales rather like a fish.

An obvious person to look at!

The obvious person to look at for textiles is Lady Gaga.
Looking at this shows that things can still look dark and gloomy without using dark colours ...but cold and lighter colours instead.
Looking more at marry the night, I decided to look at both the music video for this single and also look at some of the costumes Gaga has worn on stage.
First looking at some of the costumes in the music videos, they are very dark outfits themselves but then contrasted with lighter colours of make up like that shown in the picture to the left! This makes the whole outfit look a lot darker and colder.
Now looking at costumes Gaga has worn in performances of Marry The Night. She has worn quite a few different costumes but i have chosen to look at the one below because as you can see there is a lot of fabric manipulation which i am familiar with in textiles. I love the general shape of this garment and i could use this to inspire my work!
However i would not use Gaga's work entirely as inspiration as she is a too obvious choice to look at for this inspiration.

Thursday 19 January 2012

There are four elements common with each culture ... Fire, Air, Water and Earth!
However there are some more which are common as well but not as common as the four.
One of these is Aether. This is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere. This is often called the Fifth Element but is not as common as the others.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Manifesto & 4th Plinth

I've nearly done my Manifesto & 4th Plinth! I just need to do a little more research for both the Manifesto and 4th Plinth topic so my work is stronger and more in depth so i can therefore complete my work.
I don't need to look at my past, present or future or whatever we did last lesson in Graphics. Waste of time!
Never thought I'd say this but I hope we get to go on the macs coz we haven't been on in ages and its not fair on our group that we haven't had the opportunity to do anything in both 3D and Graphics for a long time.
Even more annoying that the scanner doesn't work now so I cant finish off my Graphics work.

Idea for observational...

I need to start relating observational to graphics more.
I know that in Graphic Design, they pay a lot of attention to detail which is what I've been doing but i don't think this is enough. Today i looked into different areas of Graphic Design, particularly promotion and advertisement. After listening to a group conversation at college about wanting more of a variety of models to make it more interesting, I've come up with a plan of advertising for a nude model for observational. Just a simple poster drawn by observing a observational class.
My simple plan is to the right...

Monday 2 January 2012

Kandinsky - drawing sound

Composition VII is the pinnacle of Kandinsky's pre-World War One artistic achievement. The creation of this work involved over thirty preparatory drawings, watercolors and oil studies. Each of these is included in the exhibition, documenting the deliberate creative process used by Kandinsky in his compositions. Amazingly, once he had completed the preparatory work, Kandinsky executed the actual painting of Composition VII in less than four days. The exhibition includes a series of four photographs taken between November 25 and 28, 1913, offering a fascinating record of Kandinsky's artistic procedure.
kandinsky.comp-7.jpg Through all of the preparatory works and in the final painting itself, the central motif (an oval form intersected by an irregular rectangle) is maintained. This oval seems almost the eye of a compositional hurricane, surrounded by swirling masses of color and form. In Composition VII's final form, Kandinsky has obliterated almost all pictorial representation. Art scholars, through Kandinsky's writings and study of the less abstract preparatory works, have determined that Composition VII combines the themes of The Resurrection, The Last Judgment, The Deluge and The Garden of Love in an operatic outburst of pure painting. Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky
Born 16 December 1866 in Moscow, Russia
Died 13 December 1944 in Paris, France
He was an influential Russian painter and art theorist. He is credited with painting the first purely-abtract works.

Dan Flavin - my love of bright colours once again

One of Flavin's most famous and last works was the lightning for a glass enclose arcade at the Rhine-Elbe Science Park in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. The arcade was designed by Uwe Kiessler; it stretches 300 mertres and connects nine buildings. A photo of this is shown to the right.File:Wissenschaftspark 02.jpg

Dan Flavin
Born 1st April 1933 in New York
Died 29th November 1996 in New York
He was an American minimalist artist famous for creating sculptural objects and installations from commercially available fluorescent light fixtures.