Sunday 29 January 2012

An obvious person to look at!

The obvious person to look at for textiles is Lady Gaga.
Looking at this shows that things can still look dark and gloomy without using dark colours ...but cold and lighter colours instead.
Looking more at marry the night, I decided to look at both the music video for this single and also look at some of the costumes Gaga has worn on stage.
First looking at some of the costumes in the music videos, they are very dark outfits themselves but then contrasted with lighter colours of make up like that shown in the picture to the left! This makes the whole outfit look a lot darker and colder.
Now looking at costumes Gaga has worn in performances of Marry The Night. She has worn quite a few different costumes but i have chosen to look at the one below because as you can see there is a lot of fabric manipulation which i am familiar with in textiles. I love the general shape of this garment and i could use this to inspire my work!
However i would not use Gaga's work entirely as inspiration as she is a too obvious choice to look at for this inspiration.

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