Monday 30 January 2012

I want music!!

Today at college i have come up with a way to combine all my work in one big final piece! I just need to work on the bits that will make this one big final piece. Thought it would be amazing to have music in the background to add to this piece of artwork.
The message in which i am trying to convey is used by quite a few music artists in the recent times.
Jessie J and Lady Gaga are the main ones that I can think of. I want don't specifically want something that people have heard of, so it distracts people from my work. I want something to compliment it. Something slightly upbeat so its not depressing. I have come across this...a mash up (a combination yeah yeah) of Gaga songs by the amazing Robin Skouteris. An obvious choice but i do love this song so yeah :')

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