Sunday 18 December 2011

Lil note

Need to research these:

  • Kandinsky
  • Dan Flavin
  • Mark Rothko

Just Sayin'

I've now got a book with a lot of my contextual work in for all subjects.
Comes in handy.
I've got a lot of work about Religion in there & recently decided to do some research into people's opinions on religion & how it affects them etc. Really interesting :)
Its wikipedia again but looking at this gives me further information into the link between religion and homosexuality ...
I've noticed that I've been focusing on Christianity, specifically Catholicism in my work as I am christened Catholic but I should have a brief into the other religions.

Sunday 11 December 2011

I know its bad quality but...

I done further research into Sound & how it can be portrayed as something that can be seen
Even though i will be looking at other artists, I'm gonna use a lot of videos & images in my blog for my contextual because this type of research inspires me a lot more than looking at other artists. I want my own ideas not stealing someone else's!
Anyway watch the video :)

I also have some artist research which i will be putting onto this soon :)

Sunday 4 December 2011

New obsession with Black Felt Tips!

I found my black tip pen which i had stolen from school 3 years ago & it was working!
I seem to have a new found obsession with drawing with it! To the right is a drawing of my friend done in black felt tip pen. I need to find someone who draws like this to give me some more ideas of how to develop it.
I also did my Bellatrix drawing in this sort of style. So its making me think of Anime & Mange again, maybe look into that.

Monday 28 November 2011


Time is a part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them and to quantify rates of change such as motions of objects.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Sound do you draw it?

I've been thinking about sound & how you draw it.
You can represent sound by drawing things associated with sound such as musical instruments, insects & birds & other animals. Musical instruments make sounds, make music so therefore are to do with sound. Each particular instrument has a specific sound.
What about making sound into something physical? A physical manifestation of sound.
Speaking of birds & sound being physical, I instantly thought of Songbird, a marvel character...
Songbird uses a form of technology that converts sound into a malleable form of energy that has a physical form and mass, termed 'solid sound'. She easily can create simple 3D sound mass constructions.

Tuesday 22 November 2011


Thinking back to that Graphics lessons about Dreams.
I have looked at sci-fi comic book art but I think that Film screen shots would work better as research to fuel this. As there were wizards in the dream & the result of what i drew, I've decided to look at both Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings.
First Harry Potter, i couldn't find any decent screen shots so i had a look at the Posters that they used to promote the film. There were many amazing ones of each interesting character but the two which stood out for me were one of Harry Potter & the other of Professor Mcgonagall.
Last Lord of the Rings, i couldn't find a screen shot for this either. Would have to do screen shots myself if i wanted one. However i found this >
A video showing some of Gandalf's Magic.

Art & Design ..Time of Your Life!

"Art & Design ..Time of Your Life!" is the writing I'm using in the wall sticker design.
Then i had to come up with an image to go with the text. Time of your life ..i instantly thought of Skydiving.
There was one problem. How do you draw someone skydiving?
Perfect place to look was Google Images, i typed in Skydiving & it came up with plenty of skydiving pictures for me to draw from. Amazing!

Street Art

My favourite type of street art is 3D street art. This is because it uses illusions to make people think that something could be possibly in 3D which in fact its flat. One of my favourite street artists is Johnnie Walker Taipei because he does this so well.


File:London Docklands in Fog.jpg

Looking at my textile sample today i realised that it looks somewhat similar to an aerial view of a city or town.
After doing some research into aerial views, I eventually started looking at Aerial Photography. There are a lot of photos of skylines of cities & towns, more particularly, skyline of cities like London & New York.
I came across this photo which reminded me of my work, with the rising levels. This relates to architecture.
I could possibly relate this to other subjects as I have a keen interest in Architecture

David Batchelor

David Batchelor is a Scottish artist & writer.
He has created work such a Brick Lane Remix 1 (shown below) & the Parapillar collection.
I've took a keen interest in his work as he looks into colours and how they can be used to affect the viewer of his work. I have to say, I love bright colours and have decided to use them in my Textiles work. Randomly placed rectangular shapes placed randomly on a fabric which i can relate to seeing David Batchelor's work.   

Crystalina Fibres & Roots


Whilst in Textiles i realised the great similarity between the edges of crystalina fibres & roots of a plant. I had a look at what roots looked like just to verify it to myself. Here's a picture to prove it.

Folding & Pleating

Junya Watanbe is a Japanese designer. Born in 1961, Junya graduated from Tokyo's Bunka Fashion College in 1984. He is known for his innovative and distinctive clothing.
This design (which is considered a high-fashion garment) uses Folding & Pleating.


Pic 9a Topshop UniqueI simply typed Fringing & Fashion into google images and this came up. Though this looks extremely odd, it portrays fabric manipulation very well!
I do not know of the designer but i know its from London Fashion week.

Plaiting/Braiding & weaving

I have done Plaiting in both textiles & 3D. Textiles for experimentation & 3D to create structures for things such as bridges. I have done some research into plaiting (or braiding as its sometimes known as).
I found out that plaiting is used a lot more often then i realised. Not only is it used in hairstyles but used in ropes, thatching roofs, furniture, baskets & cables making them stronger. It is also used in making clothes - clothes such as hats. Straw Hats for example.
Looking at straw, i also came across weaving. I quickly noticed that my washing basket is made from weaving of  a straw-like material. This is something i could also use in my work

Simple Japanese Cartoons

how to draw a baby penguin

Following the design I did for Batik in Textiles, i thought it very Japanese style.
I decided to look at Anime (which is the Japanese abbreviation of Animation) and Manga (which is the Japanese word for comics, used in the West to describe Japanese Comics).
As my design was a very simple smiley face i decided to look at simple Anime & Manga, particularly looking at facial expressions, something which is important in Manga Iconography.
I also looked on this anime animal website as it showed what Anime Animals looked like. This related to my work also with it being in a simple Japanese.

Japanese Batik!

Japanese Batik Lanterns

Bobbi Studstill

Bobbi Studstill uses transferable imagery in both textile & collage work.
There are layers of photos and patterns and words to create beautiful collages. Could use layers in any transfer work i chose to do in the future!

Monday 21 November 2011

Ai Weiwei

3A bit of information about Ai Weiwei

'FAKE' - the obviously stripped back & less interesting version of Ai Weiwei's website. Obviously just to please the chinese government. But there's still some information & images on there

Ai Weiwei - Sunflower seeds

img2_lrg.jpgI've just realised that I've seen one of Ai Weiwei's pieces of art before ...a year ago I saw Sunflower seeds installation at Tate Modern. The hundreds of life-size sunflower seeds were made of intricately hand-crafted porcelain were evenly scattered across the floor at Tate Modern. At first, people were allowed to walk across them but due to dust, this was stopped.

The whole concept of this represents a lot of ideas portrayed by Ai Weiwei.
The amount of sunflower seeds created for this makes you think about the large population of china & that though each seed may be unique, you can't tell without looking extremely close. You don't especially don't notice as people walked over them.
Ai Weiwei used historical techniques of producing these porcelain seeds. Porcelain is a ceramic material of China as this is where it originates from. It is informally known as 'china' in some english speaking countries. This is why Ai Weiwei has used this. It also gets us thinking about the idea of 'made in china' & china's mass exports.
There is an extreme amount of detail in every little sunflower seed made. This displays the effort of production of industries in China.
There is a relationship between China & Sunflowers. Sunflowers symbolise adoration. Many times sunflowers are depicted having their heads face China's emperor. Therefore Sunflowers are important in Chinese culture.
There has been a major growth in china. Not just by the amount of people living there but also the industry and economy. The use and idea of seeds shows something which can grow either into something bad or something great! This shows the two view points of the Chinese government.
The seeds scattered across a large room means the seeds would have had to be taken from the sunflower. Seeds away from sunflowers represents the scattering of both people & their ideas.
There are so many different thoughts that Sunflower Seeds provokes. These are just a few.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

End of the World!

File:MARTIN John Great Day of His Wrath.jpgI was thinking back to the last time i went to London before I went this academic year with college. I went to Tate Britain & saw these three paintings which i will never forget. I loved them so much!
John Martin a 17th Century painter whose general style i love. However my favourite series of paintings depicted the end of the world & its all so dramatic & just amazing. Its sparks my imagination into overload - love it haha the picture to the side is The Great Day Of His Wrath, i just love the colours & the such tiny detail on everything, Just wow!

Cornelia Parker

Rebecca Warren

Folkert de Jong

Really cannot be bothered with Blogger!

It has taken my hours just to research & get my research onto to Blogger because its decided to be as difficult as possible & I've only done two!
So from now i will only add the links to the my blog
and get the relevant information later on when its not being stupid :)

Grayson Perry

Grayson Perry was born in Chelmsford, Essex on 24 March 1960. When he was 6 - 7, his father left the family because of his mother's adultery. Perry describes his father's departure as the event that had the largest impact on him in his life. He lived with his mother, his stepfather, a younger sister and two stepbrothers.
To escape from a difficult family situation and his stepfather's violence, he retreated to his bedroom or his father’s shed where he became absorbed in a fantasy life, sometimes involving a teddy bear that had become a “surrogate father figure”.
He did an art foundation course at Braintree College of Further Education from 1978 to 1979. He studied for a BA in Fine Art at Portsmouth Polytechnic, graduating in 1982. He had an interest in film and exhibited his first piece of pottery at the "New Contemporaries" show at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in 1980
In his work Perry reflects upon his upbringing as a boy, his stepfather's anger and the absence of proper guidance about male conduct.
Much of Perry's work contains sexually explicit content. He also has a reputation for depicting child abuse and yet there are no works depicting sexual child abuse although We've Found the Body of your Child, 2000 hints at emotional child abuse and child neglect.
Although I got this from Wikipedia which is unreliable, I made sure to check the sources!

Yinka Shonibare

Yinka Shonibare, MBE was born in London and moved to Nigeria at the age of three.
He returned to London to study Fine Art first at Byam Shaw College of Art and then at Goldsmiths College, where he received his MFA, graduating as part of the ‘Young British Artists’ generation. He currently lives and works in the East End of London.

Shonibare explores colonialism and post-colonialism within the contemporary context of globalisation. His work also explores race and class, through the media of painting, sculpture, photography and, more recently, film and performance.
Shonibare examines identity and the interrelationship between Africa and Europe and their respective economic and political histories.  Mixing Western art history and literature, he asks what constitutes our collective contemporary identity today. Having described himself as a ‘post-colonial’ hybrid, Shonibare questions the meaning of cultural and national definitions.

More detail on the Yinka Shonibare Website:

Monday 14 November 2011

Research for 3D

Before Wednesday...
In depth, do background research into these artists:
  • Yinka Shonibare
  • Grayson Perry
  • Folkert de Jong
  • Rebecca Warren
  • Cornelia Parker
  • Haroon Mirza

Wednesday 2 November 2011


I cannot find my reflective practice book!!
I dunno where its gone. So annoyed! I'll have to write it all up again, using the notes i made before. Thank god, i made those rough notes for each lesson! Though I bet after writing it all up again, i'll find it. Hidden away right in front of me...
Re-doing it now before assessment :)


In 3D i have decided to go with either the decorative pen/pencil holder or the straw holder/storer & dispenser. I'll need to do research into other penncil holders and dispensers in general but in particular, straw dispensers.


Macs ...i'd never used them before. I didn't even know how to turn them on! Haha But now I'm  happy to say that i'm slowly starting to get the hang of them. Before i was totally hopeless with them and now i can actually do something! YAY!
Anyway, I hope i continue to progress with my ability to use them ...otherwise I'm fucked!

Monday 31 October 2011


a public declaration of intent, policy, aims, etc, as issued by a political party, government, or movement.
In the artistic context, it can be a medium of communication.
Four examples of movements that used manifestos include; Surrealism, DaDa, Fluxus and Futurist.

Surrealism Manifesto
Dada Manifesto

Monday 24 October 2011

Haven't used this in a while... i thought i ought to write something.
Staying on the subject of textiles of my last post. I've been thinking about what Jackie said about looking into other materials, I've been thinking about paper.
I had a pretty good idea. I know its kind of cliche to say to use books. But i like the idea of using each page out of the book to create a garment using my favourite techniques that we've experimented & then when its done, store it in the cover of the book. So when you open it, you see pages "Oooo" I dunno, i'll have to think and work with this idea more...

Tuesday 11 October 2011


I'm really surprised by the fact that i'm starting to enjoy textiles D:
Got a brief today and its to do with Architecture. My specialty ..yes!!
With this i'm really drawn to Frank Lloyd Wright with the Prairie School movement in Architecture; with all the horizontal lines, windows grouped in horizontal bands and discipline of ornaments which could convert to textiles.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Prairie School

Monday 10 October 2011

Really Enjoying Graphics So Far!

FIRST LESSON 'The Invisible Colour' - Orange for me. We were told to think laterally rather than literally. See what we could come up with to show that colour without actually using colour.
I came up various ideas for this including orange representing heat, light and fire. This led me to think of days before electricity and when people uses candles as a light & heat source. I did a finger painting of a candle.
At home i researched finger painting came across this
shows finger painting ...modern day version!

SECOND LESSON 'Dreams' - i got a passage about a person and their group of people being attacked by magical people as they tried to reach the top of a wall. This was very interesting for me. I wrote down the key parts of the passage and did little sketches for each, with different view points.
I ended up with a drawing of a man almost at the top of a wall being attacked from behind by magical people. with the view of as if you were looking down at him.
This is such a good idea that i'm looking to develop it further in future lessons.
Currently researching into sci-fi comic art.

THIRD LESSON 'Initial Logos' - AK, APK; at first i didn't think there was many logos i could come up using these letters. I was so wrong. I came up with two A3 pages full of ideas. I tried to come up with logos that had some relevance to what I'm interested in and found A looked like a pencil end upside down. Perfect!
I could also develop this idea further if i did some research into what existing logos look like and how they link to their companies etc.

FOURTH LESSON 'Running' is the activity i got. I had to show running in a picture. Seen as i like simple but eye catching images and find them most effective, i chose to use this in my work. I struggled with this at first but eventually thought about Races and "Ready, Set, Go!" i used this in my picture. I will upload a picture of this at a later date & talk about it more!

Textile Research

Jackie asked us to do some textile artist/fashion designer research.
I looked at various different types of textile art including plant, animal, or synthetic fibers. I also looked at different techniques including needle felting. The work i found did not interest me (they were all dolls). I then typed textile artists into google & Alice Kettle came up. A comtemporary textile artist.
I find her work interesting as she uses textile to almost draw pictures & as a trained painter, she sometimes incorporates this into her work also.
They look amazing!

Good News!

Been practicing website designing for my dad's business for a while now. He's said that if i prove myself to him, i may be able to take over whole designing side of the business so he can focus on other things! Perfect experience for me! :)

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Thinking back...

I know i probably shouldn't be but i'm thinking back to my A levels & remembered my teacher mentioning Frank Miller, an american comic book artist.
Though his style is a dark, film noir-style it is still eye-catching & has an impact on the viewer. Perfect for Graphics. I could try experimenting with this style in some graphics work.

Monday 3 October 2011


I'm interested in Graphic Design and attempting to research this area of Art & Design ..but failing! Thats college restrictions for you. I'll do it at home...