Tuesday 24 April 2012

Stereotypes and sexuality - not falling into one category

"The Stroke Had Turned Me Gay"

Rugby player who had stroke woke up gay and became hairdresser Playing to the stereotypes:

Looking at past pictures of himself, 27-year-old Chris Birch struggles to remember or identify with his old self. He used to be a 19-stone, beer-swilling, party-loving rugby fan from the Welsh valleys, the life and soul of a party. He worked in a bank and loved sport and motorbikes.
After a freak accident in 2011, he says he underwent a big change to his personality. He believes that he has gone from being straight to gay. There are few known cases of a stroke turning a straight person gay, and major personality changes in stroke sufferers are rare. Even Jak Powell, Birch's fiance, believes his partner may always have been gay.
Dr Qazi Rahman of Queen Mary, University of London, an expert in human sexual orientation, invited Birch, who has swapped banking for hairdressing, to undergo the computer-based tests to see if he may, indeed, have been born gay. On half of the tests, Birch performed in the "expected direction" for a gay man, and for the other half was within the range of a straight man.
"Sometimes it takes something like a neurological insult - which is what a stroke is - to make you reassess those feelings, perhaps that are lying dormant, and bring them into the front of your mind and it is possible that is what has happened with [Birch]."

This teaches us a lot about attitudes to sexuality.

What the man 'turned' gay by a stroke can teach us about attitudes to sexuality | Paul Flynn

"Gregory Gorgeous"

Another person who plays to stereotypes is Gregory Gorgeous who is the extreme stereotypical gay.
With videos like 'whats in my purse', he looks and acts extremely feminine. In my experience, the really camp ones get more camp and become more of the stereotypical gay in front of others, such as friends. But if its just you and them, chilling, they are still camp but not so O.T.T.

He also makes me question gender stereotypes. Is he seen as a weaker person now because he looks feminine? If he was to look more masculine facially and clothes-wise (with the same body mass etc.) would he be seen as stronger?

Gareth Thomas - a gay rugby player? Yes!

Gareth Thomas (rugby player).jpgFormer Wales and Lions captain Gareth Thomas has broken one of the major taboos that surround sport by revealing he is gay.
"Just because you are gay, it doesn't mean you fancy every man who walks the planet," Thomas told the Daily Mail. "I don't want to be known as a gay rugby player. I am a rugby player first and foremost. I am a man."
"I just happen to be gay," he added. "It's irrelevant.
"What I choose to do when I close the door at home has nothing to do with what I have achieved in rugby.
"I'd love for it, in 10 years' time, not to even be an issue in sport, and for people to say: 'So what?'"
So they do exist ..you can be a 19-stone, beer-swilling, party-loving rugby fan from the Welsh valleys, the life and soul of a party,  worked in a bank and loved sport and motorbikes ...and be gay!


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