Monday 23 April 2012

Tom Dixon - bold colourful lights

The Tom Dixon brand is as individual as the man himself. Tom was born in Sfax, Tunisia in 1959 to a French/Latvian mother and an English father, the Dixon family moved to the UK when Tom was aged 4.
With no formal training other than a one-day course in plastic bumper repair, Dixon explored the decorative and structural potential of recycled materials and industrial scrap using his newly acquired welding skills. Dixon’s sculptural objects soon began to gain recognition and commissions and exhibitions followed.

Jack Light Fluoro
The award winning ‘sitting, stacking, lighting thing’. The Jack Light by Tom Dixon is a multi-functional object made from plastic and uses the process of rotary moulding.

Read somewhere near this that for colours to stand out they need to be simple. If there are a lot of colours in a complex pattern, they wont stand out as much.

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