Monday 18 June 2012

The difference with my work...

Artists like Wassily Kandinsky produce some childlike drawings but these are very intentional and calculated to look like that rather than mine which isnt intentional as I cannot see what I'm doing. However there are blind artist who can't see what they are doing but there work looks just as good if not better than someone who can see. People like John Bramblitt paints at an amazing standard using his fingers to 'see' which is a technique I used. I used my fingers to feel the paint so it was easier for me to paint.
As you may be able to see from my exhibition, my work is unique to me. Unfortunately the photo didn't show the colours as bright as they actually are. I observed people looking round the exhibition rather like I did when we went to London. I noticed that it was the bright colours and energy which attracted people to my work, even if they were next to the guns of someone else's work. I think my exhibition would have been better if my three final poster designs in the middle were printed off bigger as this would make it easier to see the details of the posters and also attract viewers from afar. This would also make it obvious that they were the final pieces.

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