Sunday 17 June 2012

Seen as I'm looking into fantasy films...

and in particular the stereotypes in these films, this was perfect research.
This article talks about sci-fi films that rare to have a true-to-life portrayal of women.

"But the problem with sci-fi – and film in general – is that for every kick-ass woman there's a limp damsel in distress. For every Ellen Ripley there's a Princess Leia, for every Buffy Summers (the vampire slayer) there's a Bella Swan (the soppy, bland one played by Kristen Stewart in Twilight). You watch Sarah Connor, the tough waitress-cum-action heroine in Terminator 2, and feel empowered, then you see Mikaela Banes, the mechanic played by Megan Fox in Transformers, whose main job seems to be to lean over the bonnet and poke her bum skyward, and you feel that feminism has died."

Rest of the article

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