Saturday 9 June 2012

What I did today!

Despite the horrible weather I still worked outside painting, seen as I'm not allowed to do it inside my house especially not blindfolded. I did quite a few pieces today, some better than others but all good for my knowledge.

The first picture is on the first painting I did. I did it blindfolded using my fingers rather than using a paintbrush like last time. and I used just primary colours so there is less brown in the painting.
For this I used a design which I memorised. Adding bits along the way like the big red X in the background ...well I did that first so I could use my fingers to see whereabouts I'm putting things without actually seeing. hence why its not as messy as the first one. I really like this. 

The second painting on the other hand..I do not like. Maybe its the design or because its on a white materialor because the material is extremely textured. Either way, I think more energy and more paint around would make this look better. Maybe try again.
Whilst blindfolded I was thinking about the concept of what I'm doing and how it relates to my research.
The paintings look quite child-like.
Children can tell the different between male and female and stereotypes of gender are often known and used by them. However, stereotypes or race and sexuality are not.
Talking to a few people and using my own experience, I never realised a difference of race or sexuality until I hit puberty.
 For this I was using my work into not using humans as the main focus. I didn't use any designs in my head because I didn't want to focus on any objects either like I had done in my work.
I chose to make a colourful mess on top of a carefully made and coloured road I had previous made.
I like the contrast!
This signifies a journey like that made in almost every film.
With dark obstacles which are sometimes big along the way but they always get through it! Colourfully!
The energy into the random lines suggests its an action film.
This is a blind painting version of the Storm design I did inspired by Ale Cherry. I love how Storm turned out fat. I did not intend on this at all! This still looks amazing and my mum loves it. Not biased at all!
Next...I'm gonna look at the things I created along the way of creating these pieces of work.
I think that the process is just as important as the end product, if not more!

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