Sunday 17 June 2012

Exploring race more "What If..."

What if the most common race of the population was black rather white?

Well in this photo in a group of about 15 teenagers, only two of them are Caucasian. You may think that this is in a different country but in fact, its in Birmingham - somewhere which has a high population of not-Caucasian individuals. You'll generally find that Caucasians are the minority in a friendship group and at schools.

What if Prince William married a black woman?

Would this be allowed? Would he have had the blessing off of the Queen? Would the general public have gone so crazy about the royal wedding?
To be quite honest, I have no idea.

What if the queen wasn't British?

I was seriously thinking about using my nan and putting a crown on her head but I don't think she'd appreciate that.
But oh wait there's no need for Photoshop with this one because the queen is in fact foreign descent. Many people do not know this but the queen is in fact not fully British at all! If you think about it, the queen may be able to trace her bloodline back to royalty from many many years ago but in those times, royalty used to only be allowed to marry royalty. So that's royalty from many different countries. Many different races.
The Queen can supposed trace her bloodline back to the pharaohs...the pharaohs are Egyptian which is African which is not Caucasian.

What if the Western World was more racially black/asian than white and the rest of the world was more white?

Well the world wouldn't be like it is today. In fact it would be the total opposite.
Can't imagine it really. But Yinka Shonibare explored this with the black man being the master and the white people being servants and slaves in some of his work.

What if there was a soap opera set in Birmingham with many asian/black characters reflecting the population? 

Soaps like Coronation Street and Eastenders have about 5 not-caucasian characters out of about 60 - 70 characters. Is this a proper representation of the population today or is it more diverse?
Well it depends where you go but there does tend to be more than that, especially in the cities which are very diverse so you would expect soap operas like Eastenders (set in London) and Coronation Street (set near Manchester) to have more black characters..even if they are extras.
Birmingham has a very high percentage of asian/black people so if a soap opera was to be set there they would have to represent the population accordingly otherwise it would have no truth in it whatsoever. Would the soap do so well if a lot of the characters were of a different colour anyway?
Only one way to find out!

What if the children's cartoons were of black/asian origin?

I know that nowadays little children's programmes, the characters aren't any race but in fact brightly coloured like blue, green, yellow, red etc. But how would children react if the characters were black? Or if the main character in an older child's program was black?
Would scooby doo have been as successful if the characters were all/partially black?
People generally wouldn't have thought of them as American for a start and therefore wouldn't have been able to relate to them as much...well that's what I think.

What if superheroes started off universally black/asian?

Well there would be a whole lot more black superheroes that's for sure. There are about ten out of loads of superheroes which are well known...Storm, Black Panther, Bishop, Blade and War Machine to name a few.
The only way there would be loads more black superheroes would been was if the western world was more black/asian people than white.

What if superhero films were more interracial?

An obvious choice would be to use my family's heads in the photo poster. My dad's white and my mum's black and me and my siblings are mixed race so we are an example of an interracial family/group.
I have already done using my family's heads but that was on one of the conclusions of my experimentation. I have decided to use photo posters, particularly this one which is the one which I rearranged myself so it looks more real.
I have still left some of the heads/character skin tones as they were in the original rearrangement because I thought it looks good as it was before I would've changed their skin tones. If superhero films were more interracial, it would represent the nation a lot better because the majority of people aren't just one race, they have lots of different ones.

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