Sunday 17 June 2012

More research on media and stereotypes to strengthen my work

The first piece of research states:

"The media have and will continue to portray a self-serving negative stereotype of the African-American community. The societal and economic factors of racism have become more than just a bias. They are also a profitable industry, in which the elite will continue to suppress the lower class in order to maximize profits. According to Harvard professor Cornell West, 1 percent of the elite holds some 48 percent of America's wealth. This means that media, racism, and stereotypes will continue to be employed so that those elite can be sure of their continuing economic stability."

The second:

"If we assume that the media perpetuates stereotypes, what can be done to combat them, or has our society become numb to these stereotypes? What do the media messages say about women in society? About men in society? About race, gender and class?"

The answer to this is in the link below

1 comment:

  1. Ahsley, this is a great blog you raise some valid points on the issues of stereotyping in the media and to do with equality and diversity. I am a femail priest and as such am constantly facing the pejudice that vicars/priests 'should' in many folks perceptions be a man. Even though we have had female priests in the church of england for 20 years it stll comes as a shock to may that someone would be a priest and be a woman. Your posts make me think.
