Friday 18 May 2012

After looking at the the graphic artists...

 I created this this piece of work.
Alex Cherry, Nick Ainley and Chuck Anderson played the biggest part in my inspiration.
Alex Cherry's silhouetted figures in his work, Nick Ainley's show of movement through either specks or lines and Chuck Anderson's large range of colour!

I like the idea of using a silhouette because it takes away what race the person is, their attractiveness and sometimes even gender. It just shows you what the person's role is or what they can do which I believe is most important.

I went on to play around with many things including the shadows, highlights and mid-tones and also saturation and hue.
After "the lightning looking like branches" comment, I decided to invert the image so the figure and lightning was white rather than black. This made the lightning actually look like lightning haha
I like the end of product of me playing around with ideas after looking at these graphic artists.
I will go on to look at typography for this.
I'm thinking about using these as a pair! Mirrored image maybe?

Using the information I have used in this piece of work, I will come up with more ideas of what my final piece of art work will look like.
Lots of worksheets coming up!

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