Saturday 5 May 2012

Using Free-Machining to draw



I needed to think of a way that I could get people to easily rearrange a poster.
Photoshop was far too complicated for the regular person and just poster cut out figures, well they were far too easy for me to do (just thought of them haha). I came up with drawing them on fabric using free-machining and then. I chose to do five characters relevant to what I'm looking at. Some of them are better than others but I love the effect I've created and I'm glad I didn't just take the easy route. I've just got to cut them out and strengthen the material and they'll be ready to rearrange and recorded.
I'm also using these 'drawings'. I've scanned them into Photoshop and I've started to play around with what looks good. I love the effect of textiles and Photoshop together!

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