Tuesday 8 May 2012

Examples of Gender stereotypes - Off Ben's Blog

"Beyond Pink and Blue - Techi.com

There is science behind the gender-relationships when it comes to colors. A study by John Hallock compares the color preferences among various demographics and takes into account information collected from 22 countries. 
Purple - The most notable gender difference can be seen in the color purple. The study reported that 23% of female participants chose purple as their favorite. No males chose purple. 
Blue - Both males and females like the color blue, which receives favor with 35% of female respondents and more than half of the male respondents. Blue is universally associated with clean water, clear skies, authority, truth, tranquility, etc. – making it a favorite among all ages groups and genders. 
Men - Prefer bright strong colours, and are much more tolerable of greys and achromatic colours, men also prefer to see shades of colours (colours mixed with black).
Women - Prefer softer colours, in a similar spectrum to men, but generally lighter. Women may prefer light tints (colours mixed with white) more than men."

With science when it comes to gender, they tend to say Men do this and Women don't this but Women do do this whereas Men don't. They generalise and stereotype why too much (when they say they're not) and people take this as law if its not outrageous.
No males chose purple as their favourite colour? I know a quite a lot of males including myself where their favourite colour is purple. And as with blue, I find a lot of men say that blue is their favourite colour to not look bad if in truth they really loved orange or pink or purple.
Looked at the whole article.
When was this done? Seems outdated and misses out a few key factors
Like job for a main one. 

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