Thursday 31 May 2012

Blind Painting

I couldn't just sit there and do nothing whilst Anna mod-rocked my face.
So I decided to do some blind painting!
I intended for it to look like a photo of a group, like a group gathered for a film poster.
Posing and all.
I liked the concept because as the media like the idea of ticking boxes rather than creativity. This throws 'ticking boxes' out the window because you can't see exactly what you're doing.
I couldn't be a perfectionist.
I liked the final outcome of this.
The energy shown in it is great and draws people in.

I think I could use this idea within my final piece because I could design what a poster should look like without the stereotypes, then blindfold myself and try and paint it. Dont even have to use paint. Could use fabrics and things like that. Maybe after trying to paint or make the poster blind folded many times. I could scan the outcomes into Photoshop and make a poster out of it!

The idea of ticking boxes and stereotypes will be totally thrown out the window and will just be a piece of art which will draw in the attention of the people because it looks good not because it ticks boxes.
As for the stereotypes I've been looking at in my work; with gender, you can't see whether the figures are male or female. With sexuality, you can't see what sexuality they are or how attractive they are because they are just lines. And finally with race, you can't see what colour the people are because they are multicoloured and silhouetted so theres no racism.
I want to continue with this idea of getting rid of all these stereotypes and making the poster into a piece of art work.

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