Saturday 5 May 2012

Working progress

This was just a quick thing that I did.
I definitely need to do a lot of work to this but I think it looks quite nice actually. Good effect :) I know I needed to have improve the tolerance of the selection tool but I kinda like the gaps, it shows the movement of the material in the picture.
Gonna ask for some feedback and see how it will help progress with this work.

I dont like the idea that 2D is 2D and 3D is 3D, I like to mix them up. I love the effect of the combination of textiles and Photoshop!
Will have to continue exploring the other way textiles and Photoshop work together to create something amazing!

I will use the other 4 fabric drawings to do even more experimentation with techniques and materials like this. Using new and previous research I've done.

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