Thursday 10 May 2012

Experiments with different textile techniques and photoshop

Wool and Photoshop
I sewed the body of this drawing leaving large loops so it looks more like blue fur. This was very time consuming and took a lot of effort! However I think it was worth it in the end for the effect that was produced.
If I was to carry on using this fur effect, I will have to look at other ways of creating a fur effect because this was simply too time consuming for the timescale that I have.
Fabric Inks
I simply painted the free-machining drawing and let the colours run into eachother to create the effect you can see to the left. Tiny splodges of dark blue led to a shading effect on the clothing.
I then used Photoshop to change the contrast of the image that I scanned in.
I sewed different materials to the base material using a sewing machine and I then used Photoshop colour in the skin and wheelchair.
I simply coloured up the free machining drawing.
Fabric Felt Tips
I scribbled all over this free-machining drawing with different colour fabric pens which I then scanned into the computer. I then adjusted the image in several different ways. Brightness and contrast for one.
Then I used the selection tool to select certain areas of the drawing, leaving just the 'shaded' area of the the human form. I used the paint tool to colour in the selected area.
and TA DA! This amazing effect was created

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