Monday 14 May 2012

So Jon and Dave can see

My Manifesto Final Pieces

The first one is just an image representing what I'm trying to say. That life isn't as easy as Disney makes it out to be. Life doesn't always go to how you plan but its okay because we're still alive and well.
In the real world, Ariel would have been caught by now and history would've been made by some fisherman...just because she kept coming to the shore etc.

It could probably do with some more work but I've just said in an evaluation what I could have done to make it better if given enough time.
But I like the roughness of the piece because its a good effect in my opinion and symbolises how rough life can be and how life isn't like a fairy tale.
Particularly Disney Fairy tales where the lines and colouring is perfect!

Second piece is that book cover we were supposed to do. Seen as Fourth Plinth and Manifesto related to each other, I decided to combine them together using images of my work to create this. I think it needs work like the other piece but still works well. Instead of wasting time editing it, I have just done an evaluation of it.

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