Monday 28 May 2012

Lil photography session

Jon said go home and relax and get my head in gear for tomorrow.
So I went to Rother Valley.
I randomly took photos and came up with these.
They relate to how I was looking at silhouettes and how I wanted to give them more life!
Simply taking photos with the sun in the background made my mate in the foreground look very shadowed. I like this effect very much!

However according to the weather man, the weather wont continue to be this nice so I will have to look into artificial lighting instead! Damn!

I like how the figure isn't fully silhouetted out. This gives me chance to still have some of the human qualities that are stereotyped like gender, race and sexuality.
I can still show these but they wont be the main focus as they can't be seen as well. The main focus will be the figure itself and what its doing.

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